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We only make our products to order in Denmark

We manufacture to lean principles, making each individual product to order. This is something we take very seriously, ensuring we maintain control of every aspect of production.


As Denmark has few natural resources, being mindful of consumption has been fundamental from the earliest days. This has contributed to the Danish focus on minimalism, enduring craft and pure design that continue to define the VOLA approach.

By using only the highest-grade solid materials, we can  recover, wash and reuse the material waste from production, allowing us to produce new cylinders of brass and stainless steel to create new products.

Only a unique craft can create a timeless finish

It’s only with great precision and attention to detail that we can deliver an exceptionally high-quality finish, retaining a minimal design and uncompromised form that will last for generations.

By adhering to our original designs, the products last on an aesthetic level too, standing the test of time and transcending passing trends.

A heritage of craft in every product

VOLA have always nurtured a dedicated team, from machinists to designers, and managers to metal-workers, all of whom take pride in upholding the VOLA reputation for excellence, passing on over five decades of skill and knowledge from generation to generation

Følg VOLA på Instagram og se mere inspirerende nyt om design og arkitektur. @vola.denmark - Posts fra Instagram
Dansk designarv VOLA oplevelsen Et løfte om lang levetid

Når du vælger VOLA, får du ikke kun et produkt, hvor design og kvalitet holder i generationer. Du bliver også en del af den danske designhistorie med danske designikoner produceret i den bedste danske håndværkstradition

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